See the full job posting here: https://irecruitportal.ucr.edu/irecruit/!Controller?action=jobs_webui.show_page&page=jobs_detail&requisition_id=24601556&profile_id=&module=jobs
The Financial and Administrative Officer (FAO) is a critical position providing leadership in the management of financial, personnel, student affairs, facilities, administrative and research support operations for a large academic department in the Marlan and Rosemary Bourns College of Engineering (BCOE). This position also provides administrative and financial leadership in the management of two academic departments, the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering (CEE) and the Department of Bioengineering (BIEN) and several research centers. Additionally, the FAO also provides leadership in financial and administrative support operations for the interdepartmental graduate programs and research labs within CEE and BIEN, which are engaged in cutting-edge research. As the Financial and Administrative Officer, the incumbent provides daily management and oversight of four administrative teams (10 staff positions direct/indirect) which include Instructional Lab Support/Facilities & Safety, Contracts and Grants Administration, Financial and Business Operations, and Graduate Student Support. The management functions are highly complex, encompassing teaching, extensive research and outreach components and include approximately $14 Million in state appropriations and $8 million in contract and grants administered over 269 discreet fund sources. The administrative unit supports 40 faculty positions and approximately 200 non-senate academics, postdocs, graduate students & administrative staff. Budget hiring range $89,100.00 - $131,100.00. As a condition of employment, you will be required to comply with the University of California SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Vaccination Program Policy. All Covered Individuals under the policy must provide proof of Full Vaccination or, if applicable, submit a request for Exception (based on Medical Exemption, Disability, and/or Religious Objection) or Deferral (based on pregnancy) no later than the applicable deadline. For new University of California employees, the applicable deadline is eight weeks after their first date of employment.